Security Options: Support and Other Options

Use this screen to select support and other options for your users.

  1. Select Admin > Firm Configuration, and select the Security Options tab. If desired, select the Support option to enable Thomson Reuters Support for all returns.
  2. Select the option, if desired, to enable Group Managers.
  3. Select the option, if desired, to enable users to view a non-interactive listing of all returns on the Returns menu. They can view the list even if they do not have access to the open returns listed.
  4. For the three Remember Me options, if desired, enable the following values entered on the login page to be stored on the user’s workstation, so that the fields are prepopulated on subsequent visits to the login page:
    • Login ID
    • Firm
    • Location.

  5. If desired, select the option to suppress time tracking and milestones. Selecting this option suppresses the time tracking screen when returns are closed for those users who are not required to log in their time.
  6. For the IP Range Subnet Validation, please see Restricting Access to Accounts by IP Address.
  7. After making your selections, select Update to change your options, or select Restore Defaults to return to the system options.




RS Resources/exp_security_4.htm/TY2021

Last Modified: 03/19/2020

Last System Build: 09/25/2022

©2021-2022 Thomson Reuters/Tax & Accounting.